Door Opening Width = 60. Wall Height = 76" to 96".
(picture shown is one of the sheds built with one of the plans on this disk) Each included shed plan is described below. Installing a utility shed in your backyard is a great way to create your own storage space for your family, just feet from your own home. Depending on the size of your yard, and your own building skills, as well as the anticipated use of the shed, there are many different shed plans out there to choose from.
Yet, most folks also don't know that you don't have to spend anywhere near that much to build your own shed. Makes a great project for a father and son to undertake. We used to sell these plans individually for what we are offering this package as. We came to the realization that we realistically will only sell one set of plans to a customer, as most folks are unlikely to build more than one shed in any short period of time. All of our plans come on on easy to browse CD in PDF format. Our shed plans are designed to be simple to build and easy to understand. They are designed for you to get a good picture of how a shed is put together and make you feel comfortable about making your own design changes to it.There are several benefits to our plans that others simply can't compete with. Accuracy : All our plans are CAD designed to minimum scrap and waste. Choice of foundations: All of our sheds are designed with a wood frame floor. This gives you the option of placing it on a concrete foundation, or placing it up on 4x4 skids and concrete blocks in your backyard. Foundation details are provided, and floor framing details are all provided.
Confidence to customize : We are including 26 shed plans on one CD. After reviewing all of our plans, you will have the confidence to build a shed to suite your taste and will feel comfortable making small changes here and there to fit your needs. You should be able to use our plans to come up with a custom shed if you so desire. Minimal fancy cuts: Standard sized lumber is used as much as possible to minimize the amount of fancy cuts you need to make.
Little more than basic tools such as a circular saw and miter saw are needed. Accurate bills of material: Each plan comes with an accurate bill of material to make your shopping trip and cost estimation easy. Print as many as you want: All of our plans come on this CD in Adobe PDF format designed to be printed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
Print as many as you need for your jobsite. Choice of roof styles : We include the 3 most popular styles of roofs on our shed package. We include designs with a classic Gable Roof, a Gambrel Roof, and the increasingly popular saltbox style. Choice of numerous sizes: Each style includes the most popular sizes for the backyard, do-it-yourself, shed builder.
3D ADOBE PDF FRAMING MODELS INCLUDED: What is this you may ask? The most complicated part of the shed is the framing, and we realize that not everyone will understand a 2D plan.Therefore, we also include a 3D model of the framing of each shed to accompany each 2D plan. This 3D model allows you to pan, zoom, spin, rotate the framing of each shed. This is all included in a separate PDF file. The only piece of software required to view this 3D model is the latest version of the FREE Adobe Reader, version 9.2 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Adobe Reader, you simply need to go to Adobe's site, and download the latest FREE version.
Some people may think this is too complicated to use. You don't need to be a CAD wizard to utilize this 3D model with Adobe Reader. If you are having trouble visualizing the 2D drawing, you can simply pop up the 3D model with Adobe Reader, and spin and pan and zoom into the section that you want to look it. It doesn't get much easier! Please note that the 3D PDF file is a viewer only. You can view and spin the model all you want, but you won't be able to take measurements with it or make modifications. All the dimensions are included in the plans themselves.All original plans: These are our plans, that we've developed over several years. Know that you are getting them from the right source, and that we've put extra care and our reputation on the line with these plans. This is the most complete and comprehensive collection of garden shed around. This is a CD that contains 26 Shed Plans that we have designed in-house over the past several years.
We used to sell these plans on our site individually and due to high demand and numerous requests, we have put them on 1 CD as a giant plan set to eliminate the tough decision making our customers used to have to make with our plans. We have decided to offer them here as a Plan Set CD at a fraction of the cost we used to charge for them individually, in an effort to reach as many customers as possible. We have literally spent years creating these shed plans. Each plan has approximately 50 design hours in it.
That's a total of over 1200 design hours that went into the creation of this CD. Years of work, all put together into one easy to read, easy to follow, CD, for your use. This is an ALL-ORIGINAL Plan Set from ADV Plans, LLC. You will not find this collection, anywhere else. We are the original creators of these plans.All of these plans are very easy to use and easy to follow. You don't need to have fancy woodworking skills or high dollar tools to build these sheds. These are easy to read 2D plans with 3D isometric views showing you all the critical steps you need to follow when construction our sheds. All plans on this CD are in Adobe PDF format. You will need to download the latest copy of Adobe Reader to view these plans.
Adobe Reader is free for download off of Adobe's website, and is likely already on your machine. You can view the 2D plans with Adobe 5 or later, but to view the 3D framing plan, you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader, version 9 or later.
All of the following shed plans included on this CD. Size is the outside to outside frame width. To get inside dimensions, you need to subtract the width of the walls.
Height is the distance from the bottom of the floor framing to the peak of the roof. If the shed is raised on concrete blocks, that will obviously increase the height. Door opening width is the rough opening for the door or doors. Door Opening Width = 38. Door Opening Width = 48. Customer picture sent to us built from our 12x16 Gable Shed Plan. Customer picture sent to us built from our 8x12 Gable Shed Plan. Wall Height = 78" to 96". Customer picture sent to us built from our 4x10 Gable Shed Plan. The below pics were sent to us by a customer who built a 12x20 shed from our plans. Looks like the customer added some custom windows and a door on each side of the shed on his own. Our plans give you the freedom to customize the job per your individual taste. This large size gives you as much space as you want inside. Looks great in the backyard, and adds value to your home. Our plans are designed and written to be easy to follow and understand. Each plan is about 16 pages and consists of detailed, step by step views and instructions. You don't need an engineering degree and be able to read complex blueprints to understand our plans.You should be comfortable with woodworking and have good solid building skills, but our blueprints are still designed to be easy to read. One of the most valuable parts of our designs, is that each design comes with a FULL material and tool list.
Our Material list makes it easy for you to go to your local home improvement store and quickly and easily cost out your project. Just print it out and go to your local lumber store and quickly and easily determine the cost of your project. And, equally important, is that these plans are ALL ORIGINAL. Created by us over the past 5 years. A little here, and little there, and we have put together the most original set of Shed Plans out there.
THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. This item is our catalog # ADV-431G. This item is for a CD of plans only! No building material is provided with this item.
We are the owner and creator of the Plan Set on this disk, and we have full distribution rights to this item. This disk is our creation, and the plans on them are copyrighted and watermarked with our name and our site on them. We have a zero tolerance for infringement. Actual Pictures and Comments from happy customers.Years later it got rotten and subsequently discarded. Now the Son of the man who originally built it from the magazine plans in his wood shop in Milwaukie, Oregon works with me and he helped his Dad build it in 1958. We decided to search for the plans and if we found them; I (an engineer) would upgrade it for two adults and build it. I bought your disk and building started last May 25 and it was ready to launch July 20. You are welcome to use the photos and my title as a former white water guild; River Rat Bob from Oregon.
Hope you enjoy the pictures attached. Boat Plans are not on this disk! The following are actual pics sent in from a customer who built the 12 ft Octagon Gazebo from our Gazebo plans disk. This customer chose to build the Gazebo on a stone platform instead of a deck, although all decking plans are provided as part of the plan.The customization potential is limitless. This customer chose the railings and frieze from one plan and combined it with another plan and deleted the deck. You can build limitless combinations. All the plans are standardized to make you feel comfortable adding your own twist to the plans.
Gazebo Plans are not on this disk! The follow is pictures sent to us from a customer who built a Row and Sail Dory Rowboat that can be sailed. Our customer built this little dingy with plans bought from us.
Here are some comments and pics a customer sent us of a boat he built. The boat plan I used to build my boat was the 14' Playboy Runabout. I have pics from start to finish of the project and i'm very proud of it.
I customized the plans a little to suit my needs better. I built her to drive with remote controls not from the motor, and I closed in the sides and put a storage compartment on both sides. I put a bench seat accross the back with storage underneath instead of a seat down both sides and I closed in the rear of the boat for extra storage (gas tank, battery box, tools, etc).I also fiberglassed the outside and painted it. I think the plans were great and easy to follow for the first time builder.
Thank you for the great plans. I can't wait to get started. The kids helped, and the dog just loves it. It'll take years to go through all the stuff I want to build on your CD.
The jungle gym for the kids is amazing. We bought the plans 2 weeks ago, and built the whole thing last weekend. We are so impressed with the amount of information shown. It is a virtual encyclopedia of plans.
That's more boats than I can build in a lifetime! The best I have ever seen. I've seen plenty of plans on boats. This is the best all around package of information I've come across.
This has saved me so much time. I've spent weeks looking for stuff like this. Well worth the few bucks to get this CD.
I bought a CD a few weeks ago that had a bunch of links and junk on it that was ripped off from websites and other useless information. I can actually use this stuff. I'm so glad I did. What makes you so special?
What separates us from the rest is that we want you to be happy. Getting one sale from you is great, but we want the next sale from you and the next one after that. It isn't worth a few bucks to us to have one unhappy customer. If you are unhappy, tell us and let us try to fix the problem. How many sellers will say that? Are you saying the rest of them will rip me off? No tricky or cheap discounts. Also, when comparing our films to those of others, take note of not only the price of the item, but also the content.What kind of permits, codes, restrictions, paperwork, etc. Do I need to deal with before I build your shed/garage/gazebo, etc? We can't answer that. Every county in every state has different requirements. We encourage you to check with your local building department before beginning your project.
Different regions also have different building codes and requirements. It is your responsibility that whatever structure you build complies with those codes. Remember, it doesn't matter where you bought the plan, or what plan you are using, or if you are even using a plan, you are ultimately responsible for the safety of the structure you build, so you will need to ensure whatever you are building complies with your local safety codes and construction standards. There is nothing more important that the safety of your loved ones. With that in mind, if you are inexperienced in construction, and are tackling a large project such as a shed, garage, gazebo, etc. You should verify all that you are doing with someone who is more experienced.My county inspector is requiring that I do something different with the roof, I need to do "xyz", can you modify the plan for "xyz" and send it to me? All post-sales modifications are your responsibility and you are responsible for incurring all costs after the sale. Do you offer any post-sales support?
What if I have questions on how to build a certain aspect of a gazebo? Please, lets be fair and realistic here. We do not offer any post sales support. Please be aware and respectful of this fact up front. Who's plans are these? Are these Gazebo's easy enough for a beginner to build? I have no experience, can I do this? What do I need to know? Well, mostly, you can build this with basic woodworking knowledge.Depends on how comfortable you are with power tools and building your own structure. The plans are written to be as easily understood as possible so that anyone can understand them.
However, you should have some basic wood working skills and framing skills and basic knowledge of how to join wood and build framing. Odds are, if you have ever built a deck, you can probably build a Gazebo. If you are unsure of what you are doing, it is your responsibility to seek the advice of a professional.
While we've tried to make understanding the construction process easy, building a Gazebo is a big job. Be aware that you need to know how to make accurate cuts, take accurate measurements and revise your dimensions accordingly, and know how to safely assemble a small structure in the proper order to be safe. How long does it take to build one of these? How many people do I need to build one? A lot of that depends on your preparedness level and how organized you are.
1 person can build most of it, but two people are generally required for the roof installation. It would obviously go faster with more than 2 people. I want to build one of your Gazebo's. It is your "xyz" design. Lumber prices vary from region to region, even from town to town.
Building materials are very volatile in terms of price. We don't keep track of prices daily, and prices can vary from day to day or week to week, or month to month.
In order for us to give you an accurate cost, we would have to print out the material list and start calling stores and looking up prices, and we are no more responsible for doing that, than we are helping you build your project! Costing it out is part of the project, and that is something you are responsible for.
We won't even give you an estimate, because we know if we underestimate, that some people will try to hold us accountable for it. I like your Gazebo plans, but I'm looking for a slightly different size/shape/look, etc?
Do you have one with x sides, that is y long? You can always ask, but the likely answer is no.
We are always evaluating market demand, and if there is a demand for a new product, we will research it and make a determination on whether or not it is worthy of being pursued. But odds are, if we don't have it for sale, then we don't have it right now. And, we do not do custom plans on a request basis. Please send me a free sample plan. With that said, we do not provide "free samples". What if my disk arrives damaged? We offer a no muss, no fuss guarantee that all damaged disks are replaced free of charge. We are centrally located in America's heartland in the great state of Tennessee! All of our disks are labeled with a clean label and some graphics. The disks are made this way for speed and cost, which translates into lower cost for you. We focus our efforts on the quality of the material on the disk. We do not believe in charging you an extra 3 or 4 dollars like some companies out there just to throw in a 25 cent plastic case and slap a color label on an item. However, lately the Post Office it seems has not been very cooperative with us and we've had a couple of customers wait a few days longer than that. It happens, and for those 20% of customers, we apologize, but there is very little we can do about that. Your disk will arrive or we will replace it.We do not offer any additional discounts on multiple items other than the ones noted above. The only thing we ask from our customers is that if they have a problem, that they give us a chance to fix the problem for them before they leave bad feedback. We ARE THE AUTHOR OF THIS DISK. We have full rights to distribute this collection. All of our disks and other media are copyrighted by ADVPlans, LLC, and redistribution without our consent is prohibited.
(All of our disks and contents are branded with our name and web address). The item "10X20 SALTBOX WOOD STORAGE SHED, 26 GARDEN SHED PLANS, UNIQUE WORKSHOP CD" is in sale since Saturday, March 31, 2012. This item is in the category "Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Garden Structures & Shade\Garden & Storage Sheds". The seller is "advplans" and is located in McMinnville, Tennessee. This item can be shipped worldwide.